среда, 26 января 2011 г.

Techniques Gouache Painting for Beginners vol.1

Techniques Gouache Painting for Beginners vol.1: secrets of professional artist (Volume 1) [Paperback]
The first volume from six of serie "Techniques Gouache Painting for Beginners". This color printbook is analog kindle - versia first volume this serie.

воскресенье, 16 января 2011 г.

New book of seras "Techniques Gouache Painting for Beginners"

Techniques Gouache Painting for Beginners vol.2 - kindle - version.
In this book: ,
  • three new painting techniques for easy create spectacular pictures
  • two step by step pictures
  • works by author and her students
  • detailed schemes for technique
  • color mixtures for step by step pictures
  • exercises for beginner painters
  • most frequent errors and correcting they
  • helpful tips
  • stages of techniques
  • photos of stages of techniques and errors
  • and much more...
All this in dising by author of book. Nice layout - not typical for *.kindle and *.mobi ebooks. This e-book is visible like fullcolor print-book.

New edition book to gouache painting

This is new edition book "Techniques Gouache Painting for Beginners vol.1" - with the same content (replaced by a few illustrations), and this book "Techniques Gouache Painting vol.1" but in new desing. For this book was used new layout, and kindle-book is more comfortable on large color screen.

Nice layout - not typical for *.kindle and *.mobi ebooks. This e-book is visible like fullcolor print-book.

вторник, 30 ноября 2010 г.

Gouache Sets

Gouache sets - good select for beginner.
A set gives you try every color and make your palette. You are trying but to not need much save money. Such to save may be do not profitable. The more colors in the set the more opportunites try.
Compare, please.

суббота, 27 ноября 2010 г.

New books of theme: Techniques of Gouache Painting

In July was published a new edition of book: Tutorial on Painting with Gouache. In russian, by EKSMO, Moskow. Expected new books in this category in english. The firs volume is published in Kindle. This book is very different from the Russian edition. It contains mach more material and techniques of gouache painting.